Dental Cleanings
Our dental cleanings focus on preventing decay, preserving teeth, and keeping your child’s mouth healthy. In addition, our Hygienists work with parents to make kids comfortable. We encourage parents to be with their child during all visits to our office.
Working together, Parents, Hygienists, and Dentists formulate a customized plan to care for each child. We recommend that each child be seen at least twice a year for preventive care and dental cleanings.
Infant Care
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends early oral exams no later than age 1. The primary focus of this first visit is your child’s oral health. Utilizing a knee-to-knee exam, the dentist works with the parent to complete a dental exam. During this first visit, we discuss dental caries and how to avoid them. We look forward to meeting your child.
Fluoridated Water
Since the onset of water fluoridation more than 50 years ago, the American Dental Association continues to regard water fluoridation as the number one tool available to prevent dental caries. In addition, scientific research continually finds it both a safe and effective method of strengthening teeth.
For communities without fluoridated water, many pediatricians and dental health professionals recommend children receive a fluoride supplement. However, please do not hesitate to inform the provider if you wish to decline fluoride for your children. We support your parental decisions.
Fluoride Treatments
We strongly recommend that every child who receives dental cleanings in our office also receives a fluoride treatment. These treatments contain a high level of fluoride. We place gel or fluoride foam in a tray that sits in your child’s mouth for 1-4 minutes. These treatments increase the hardness of the tooth’s enamel and make your child more resistant to tooth decay.